Communication is Key to Success!

Communication skills are one of the most important skills any person can have and without them, a project can quickly begin to fall apart. Communication allows a person to understand others and be understood themselves and this is extremely important for the artist during the initial planning stages of the major project. The artist will be required to communicate their 4 ideas to their creative team professionally and confidently. Not only that but they will also be expected to prepare a plan and proposal where they will have to communicate their ideas and how they will go about the entire project to their tutor. Their communications skills will also be put to the test during team meetings as they will be required to speak publicly as well as listen to what others have to say, which may include other people’s ideas for the final project.

Communication does not always necessarily mean speaking verbally. It can mean a variety of things such as written communication which currently the artist does via online platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook, purple port, and start now. The artist will also have to learn to observe their team as this too is a great communication skill as it allows them to watch the body language of others as well as their body language. Listening to her team will earn her their respect as they will appreciate the attention, she is giving them.
When communicating with their team throughout the project the artist will need to remember a few key things, according to (2020) the artists will need to be clear and concise. This will reduce the chances of them being misunderstood and allow the team to work quickly as they will have all the information required to understand the artist end goals. Being empathetic towards their team, listening to their ideas and feelings can help with communication. This will also build trust as they will feel valued. Be assertive when needed, declining an idea when it does not fit the vision for the major project. They will need to be calm and consistent, as when there are disagreements this may bring out emotions within the communication which they want to avoid. The artist will need to always keep their tone and body language neutral.

Without the correct communication skills, the artist will find themselves in a very tricky spot as they will have a creative team who have no idea of what they are required to do which means the deadline could be missed. They will need to build on their current skill set of communication and improve any weaknesses which are holding them back from having better communication. This could be making time to communicate with their team if they forget or struggle to fit it in. Time management and time blocking techniques will come in handy at this point, creating an overlap in the artist skillset.
With the correct communication skillset, the artist is setting themselves up to succussed.
To see how things progress, keep reading….
Reference List, What are Communication Skills? Indeed Editorial Team, August 25th, 2020. Accessed at: [Internet] Accessed on 20th November 2021.
Figure List
Figure 1, Communication
Accessed at: Accessed on: November 20th 2021
Figure 2, What is Communication?
Accessed at: Accessed on: November 21sh 2021
Figure 3, Bad communication
Accessed at: Accessed on: November 22nd 2021