Ethics, Who?

This year’s research becomes a little harder for the student as they will be required to look at the ethical side of research and how this affects what research they can do and use. They will have to consider data protection, BERA and anonymity when completing research for their designs and final dissertations.
The artists will have to write an ethics board application before they can complete any primary research. This means they can research online and in textbooks for their topic and final design ideas, but they will not be allowed to do any face-to-face research of their own until they have submitted it to the ethics board and their work has been passed.
For the application, the artists first had to research into what ethics is and why it is important when completing research.
What is Ethics?
Ethics was something the artist until this year had never considered when completing research. This meant a lot of additional research had to go into finding out what it is and what was classed as ethical and what wasn’t.

BERA (The British Educational Research Association) believe that research within an educational setting should be ethical and respectful to everyone involved, individuals should all be treated equally, with dignity, sensitivity and free from prejudice. When carrying out research the artist is expected to be mindful of how structural inequalities can affect all social relationships, this includes those which come from research. The artist will need to take into account the rights and interests of everyone directly or indirectly affected by their research.
If during the research the artist uses social media or online communities, she will need to remember that this information is created by individuals who may not be using their own name. This means they may be using an avatar or fake name resulting in the artist not being able to authenticate the information.
The artist has a responsibility when working out how to maximise the benefits to their participants, while also minimising the risks. She must always stick to ethical and respectful means.

The artist will be required to get informed consent from all participants. Without this, they cannot take part in the research. This consent will be obtained at the very beginning and participants will also be made aware of their rights to withdraw consent at any point throughout the research and for any reason. The artist will do everything within their power to ensure all those involved understand to the Best of their knowledge what the study is about and involves. Figure 3 shows how the artist will achieve this. Participants will know why their involvement is necessary or required and will also know prior to giving consent what they will be asked. In Figures 4 and 5 you can see the question is the artist wishes to ask those involved in the research.
All participants will know exactly what the information they provide will be used for during this research. It will also be openly aware of how the data collected is to be used, starred, handled and who will have access to it. Full details on how the data will be destroyed along with details on any possible secondary use will also be disclosed to all parties involved. Throughout the research the artist will continue to be open and honest with everyone involved providing full transparency is always adhered to.
Figure 4, Interview Questions with Directors. Figure 5, Interview Questions with Makeup Designers
The artist will have to keep in mind that participants can withdraw at any time and without reason. The participants will be made aware of this and reminded throughout the course of the research. The artist will make available to all involved their contact details, this will include a telephone number and email address.
The artist will have to monitor their own actions and behaviour throughout the research so that if at any point a past disciplined wishes to withdraw they can determine if they contributed to the participant's decision to withdraw. This could then potentially open the option to change their approach and possibly persuade the participant to re-engage in the research. However, the artist at no point can offer payment, bribery or calls dress to any participant who wishes to withdraw from the research. The most likely and straightforward option would be for the artist to accept the withdrawal of a participant and move on with the remaining involved parties.
The research carried out by the artist should aim to put the participants at ease, while also not demanding excessive amounts from them. Prior to the data being collected by the artist for their recent search they have a duty of care. This means they should be able to recognise any potential threats or risks to the participants while involved. They will also need to be prepared to minimise any discomfort stress or distress which may be triggered during the research process.
BERA (2018) states that confidentiality and anonymous treatment of all participants data should be a normal standard for all research. For this reason, all participants will be labelled as participants A, B, C and D so no names will be attached to any documentation, allowing the participant to stay anonymous throughout the study. There is also the awareness of what consequences could arise should a participant be identified by association or reference.

The Data Protection Act (2018) states we must comply with certain legal requirements when it comes to storing and the use of personal data. Due to this, we have a strict policy, and all data obtained during the research will be stored on a password-protected computer as well as in a password-protected file.
Following General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, 2018) the artist will make all participants aware of how and why their days we’ve been started. They will also be fully aware of who, if anyone, will have access to it. In line with GDPA (2018), all participants will have access to their data at any point during the project. Once the project is overall data relating to the research carried out will be destroyed. Every effort will also be made to ensure that all data kept will be done so in a safe and secure way to avoid any breach in agreements made.
Figure 7, Password Protected Computer. Figure 8, Password Protected File
Throughout the research process, the artist will do the utmost to protect the integrity of educational research, thus, keeping its reputation intact. To achieve this the artist will carry out their research to the highest possible standard.
To see how their research goes, keep reading…
Reference List, Ethics: a general introduction, (n,d) [Online] Accessed at: Accessed on: October 1st, 2021, Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research, fourth edition (2018), Published August 13th, 2018. [Online] Accessed at: Accessed on: October 1st, 2021
Council of Europe, Figure 7, Password Protected Computer Picture [Online]Accessed at: Accessed on: October 1st, 20, Figure 8, Password Protected File Picture [Online]Accessed at: Accessed on: October 1st, 20, Figure 6, GDPR Picture [Online]Accessed at: Accessed on: October 1st, 20
Information Commissioners Office, Guide to the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) [Online]. Accessed at: on: October 1st, 2021
PE Scolar, Figure 2- BERA [Online]Accessed at: Accessed on: October 1st, 2021
The National Institute for Environmental Health, What Is Ethics in Research & Why Is It Important?, David B. Resnik, J.D., Ph.D. (December 23, 2020) [Online] Accessed at: Accessed on: October 1st, 2021
University of Roehampton London, Figure 1 - Ethics [Online]Accessed at: Accessed on: October 1st, 2021
Figure List
Figure 1, Ethics
Figure 2, BERA
Figure 3, Participants Consent Form, K. Ellison (2021)
Figure 4, Interview Questions with Directors. K. Ellison (2021)
Figure 5, Interview Questions with Makeup Designers. K. Ellison (2021)
Figure 6, GDPR
Figure 7, Password Protected Computer
Figure 8, Password Protected File