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The Topic in Question!

Figure 1, Topic, Boost Power (10/09/20)

The topic chosen for this year’s brief is “Irish Folklore & Mythology

Figure 2, Irish Folklore(n.d)

They chose this topic due to it being of personal interest. As the artist is half Irish by birth and grew up with stories told by her Irish father about fairies who roamed the lands and monsters who caused havoc with their mischievous ways. She wanted to dig into these stories and uncover the real folklore behind them not just the bedtime stories told to little children. Even now in rural Ireland some children still believe in fairy stories told to them at bedtime by family.

Figure 3, Larkin Coat of Arms,

From this family link, the artists choose to pursue this topic as not only is it personal to their family heritage but from previous feedback from tutors they were advised to step out of their comfort zone to demonstrate innovation (S. Barrington, 2021) in relation to the work they produced. As yes, their previous work was good it lacked uniqueness. With this in mind, the topic was the best option as this would do all that while bringing in the family history.

Focusing on this they have investigated the history surrounding Irish Folklore & Mythology to find many different Mythological creatures, these ranged from terrifying monsters and demons to harmless Celtic creatures and some more interesting and fierce creatures. All of which have a rich background to their tale (D. Badnjarevic, n.d).

Figure 4, Ondine Poster, (2009)

All this research leads the artist to Folklore & Mythology within the TV & Film industry. Where they came across many shows and films such as The Brothers Grimm (IMDb 2005), The Hallow (IMDb 2015) and Ondine (IMDb 2009). All of which seemed to stem from one form of Folklore and Mythology.

Looking at how different adaptations of creatures and characters stem from Folklore and Mythology led the artist to look at what Folklore is which according to TORCH (The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities, 2019) is a wide variety of beliefs, where people believe in fairies which dance in certain places or witches who change shapes to steal milk from cows. Their article titled ‘Where do Myths, Legends and Folktales come from?’ (TORCH, 2019) states that most of our familiar stories contain small pieces of information which are also told across Europe or tap into other beliefs.

From this, they wanted to see how Folklore and Mythology transferred into modern-day TV & Film and how Directors and Makeup Designers interoperated this when creating scrips and character designs. The artist was able to run with this to create their question….

To see what the question was and how this would impact the artist in the long run continue reading…….

Reference List


Figure 1, Topic, Boost Power (10/09/20)

Figure 2, Irish Folklore(n.d)

Accessed at: Accessed on: September 23rd, 2021

Figure 3, Larkin Coat of Arms,

Figure 4, Ondine Poster, (2009)

Accessed at: Accessed on: September 23rd, 2021


Kailegh Ellison Glam to Gore.jpg

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Glam to Gore is a blog written by a second year foundation degree student. It follows her journey through the final year.

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